E3Tec has developed ASPEN Plus® design methodology for scaling prototype semi-integrated test unit to integrated technology demonstration unit to industrial pilot plant to commercial plant. The scale-up methodology is based on the design concept of “Scale-down-to-scale-up” as presented in the schematic. As a first step, optimized process design of a full-scale is performed by incorporating available kinetic parameters into the ASPEN Plus® model. Kinetic parameters can be obtained by Parr reactor or flow reactor or E3Tec’s patented Differential-Kinetic Test Unit (DKTU). Subsequently, performance parameters are obtained from a semi-integrated prototype test unit that is configured to represent the key subsystem of the full-scale process. In a parallel effort, rate-based model is developed for packed bed reactors that are used as pre-reactor or side reactors connected to the distillation column or structured packing with catalyst. MATLAB™ models developed for packed-bed or fluidized-bed reactors are transformed into Aspen Custom Model (ACM) ® for incorporation into the ASPEN Plus® process model. This design methodology is applied to heat-integrated reactive distillation (HIRD) process equipped with side reactors and PerVap membrane for conversion of CO2 to alkyl carbonates and esterification of organic acids.