High-Temperature & Pressure Fouling Unit (DTFU) is ideally suited for laboratory tests for interactive effects of physical and chemical mechanisms that initiate the fouling deposition. HTFU is recommended to determine the effectiveness of chemical additives that would inhibit the initiation of fouling deposition. As shown HTFU can be used for monitoring single-phase fouling and the effectiveness of chemical additives. HTFU has been used by the industry to determine the threshold-fouling for crude-oil blending and the effectiveness of chemical additives.
Two Field Fouling Unites (FFUs) were installed for monitoring crude-unit (CU), preheat train (PHT) and feed/effluent (F/E) exchangers. The fouling mechanisms determined from the HTFU tests were correlated with the FFUs fouling rates. E³Tec has design, including fabrication drawings, of these FFUs.
Two Field Fouling Unites (FFUs) were installed for monitoring crude-unit (CU), preheat train (PHT) and feed/effluent (F/E) exchangers. The fouling mechanisms determined from the HTFU tests were correlated with the FFUs fouling rates. E³Tec has design, including fabrication drawings, of these FFUs.